
Fixed Restorations

  1. Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown and Bridge
  2. Full Cast Crown and Bridge
  3. All-Ceramic
  4. Zirconia
  5. Provisionals

Removable Restorations

  1. Dentures, Acrylic, & Flexible Partials
  2. Cast Partials (Co, Cr Framework)
  3. Nightguards
  4. Sport Mouthguards
  5. Orthodontics


  1. PFM & Zirconia screw retained Crowns
  2. Custom Abutments
  3. UCLA Abutments
  4. All-on-X Restoration


The highest-quality, FDA-approved materials for esthetics and safety.

Risk-Free First Shipment

We waive the minimum and provide free shipping on every first shipment of cases. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the product or service, we will refund 100% provided the cases are returned.

Contact Us

Call Us: 214-250-8178
Email Us: [email protected]

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